
The Chimaera is a rare Greek monster with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a dragon’s tail. Vicious and bloodthirsty, it is extremely dangerous. There is only one known instance of the successful slaying of a Chimaera and the unlucky Wizard concerned fell to his death from his winged horse shortly afterwards, exhausted by his efforts.


Vampires are typically held to be the re-animated corpses of human beings and said to subsist on human or animal blood, often having unnatural powers, heightened bodily functions, and the ability to physically transform. Vampires are said to mainly bite the victim’s neck, extracting the blood from a main artery. In order for a person to be turned into a Vampire, they must be bitten and brought into death by another Vampire. 

Evidence that a Vampire is at work in an area includes death of cattle, sheep, relatives, neighbors, exhumed bodies being in a lifelike state with new growth of the fingernails or hair. Vampires, being already dead, do not need most normal things required for human life, such as oxygen. They often have a pale appearance and are cool to the touch. Vampires typically cast no shadow and have no reflection. They cannot enter a house unless personally invited by the owner of that house. Vampire powers are limited during the day or in daylight. In some cases, sunlight may burn or kill Vampires, or they may be comatose during the day. Vampires may be reluctant to enter or cross bodies of water, particularly running water. Objects intended to ward off Vampires include garlic, a branch of wild rose, and any Holy objects, including Crosses and Holy water.

Defeating Chimaeras and  Vampires

What is interesting about defeating these creatures, is that we have to stray from our comfort zone as Witches and Wizards and face these Dark Creatures in a physical realm. There are typically no spells or potions that will defeat either a Chimaera or a Vampire. 

Chimaeras need to be defeated strictly physically, with strength and a good sword. Vampires on the other hand are trickier. There are three main ways to defeat a Vampire. A consecrated bullet, decapitation, or a wooden stake through the heart. 

We can certainly use magic to enhance our physical capabilities in these realms. Using a potion on the end of a sword while slaying a Chimaera, for instance, or decapitating a Vampire by incinerating his body with Magic would work quite well.