
The Manticore is a highly dangerous Greek beast with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion, which may shoot out venomous spines or hairs to incapacitate prey. Nowadays, the Manticore is said to inhabit the forests of Asia, particularly Indonesia. 

The Manticore can kill instantly with a bite or a scratch, and will then eat the victim entirely, bones and all. Whenever a person disappears completely, it is said that the locals consider it the work of the Manticore. As dangerous as the Chimaera, and as rare, the Manticore is reputed to croon softly as it devours its prey. Like the Acromantula, it probably originated as a Wizard-bred species specifically created to guard treasures, strongholds, and the like.

A manticore's skin repels virtually all known charms, so it is extremely difficult to subdue by magic.


The Werewolf is a most unusual creature in that it doesn't technically exist except for a brief period of time around the full moon. At any other time, a werewolf is a completely normal human, which is why this is a grey area when discussing Dark Creatures. The term Werewolf is used for both the wolf-like creature and the normal human. 

A Werewolf comes into being when a person is bitten by another Werewolf. Once this happens, the person must learn to manage the condition. Modern potion-making has come up with a draught called Wolfsbane Potion which controls some of the worst effects of the condition. It is quite difficult to make, even for fully qualified Wizards, and is said to have a rather disgusting taste. Nothing will completely cure a werewolf, unfortunately. 

A Werewolf can be distinguished from a true wolf physically by several small distinguishing characteristics, including the pupils of the eyes, snout shape, and tufted tail. A Werewolf, when transformed is a fearsome beast indeed. All trace of human awareness is gone and the Werewolf will attack any Witch or Wizard, including the Werewolf's best friends. This transformation is triggered when the moon is full. The Werewolf actively seeks humans over any other type of prey.